Pokemon rejuvenation v10 download
Pokemon rejuvenation v10 download

Important to note is to try to not use your E vault on Kennen while Kennen's E, Lightning Rush, is up because us vaulting kennen with his E active will apply a mark of his passive on us, so keep that in mind. The reason we wait for Kennen to waste his Q before we go in is because Kennen will simply not be able to apply his passive on us during the trade if he doesn't land his Q, which will result in Quinn hard winning the trade. Your goal in the trade is to proc your PTA on him, and if you are able to land your Q blind on kennen, then go for a longer trade because he can't retaliate if he is blinded. Now, when Kennen uses his Q ability and it does not hit you, then you should immediately engage on Kennen for a trade. To win the Kennen lane as Quinn, your objective is to bait out his Q either by side-stepping Kennen's Q in lane, OR wait for Kennen to wiff his Q on minions. Kennen's passive functions where Kennen's abilities mark enemy champions with Mark of the Storm for 6 seconds that stacks up to 3 times, and if he stacks 3 marks on you, then he will stun you and restore energy. I will first explain Kennen's passive because it's important to know Kennen's objective in the lane in order for you to be one step ahead of him. Read this section carefully, and if you can apply it, then Quinn will hard win the Kennen matchup during laning phase. Quinn adc says “I hear about a lot of Quinn's who struggle into Kennen, but recently I've come to almost master the matchup and I hardly have trouble into Kennen now with this build/playstyle. Very late game if he has Rabadon's and you don't have Death's Dance or any MR items, he will always win (point and click ult stun into too much damage from him).” Prevent him from going in teamfights as his are very strong with his ult, so force him on side. If you don't have your shield, never all-in him, he does too much damage to you. At 6 your all-in is good with your cage, but his is too. The key to this matchup is to bait out his E, once it's down (10s CD), you can go for a (long) trade. If you manage to hit him while he E'd, you can chase him down with W and you will most likely win. If he is good, you can never E onto him as he will dodge it and never stand close to walls. Taking Dshield and Second Wind will make you survive the lane.

pokemon rejuvenation v10 download

Your all-in is far better than his if you both have the same HP. Start W and get the first 3 minions, and if he doesn't play Bone Plating or something with more than 1 pot you can start E and chunk his HP bar. You should outscale him? I really don't get his absurd damage, I have bad experiences against Kennens. Gazibulle says “Skill matchup, Kennen favoured in lane (and even on side?).

Pokemon rejuvenation v10 download